
Spring Art Classes: What we've been up to!

We have been busy this month creating.  All this warm air and sunshine is putting everyone in the mood to make art!  Take a look at what the kids have been up to!

Fire Fly Tulips off to its new home!

I met a lovely woman named Julie a few weeks ago at an artisan sale we both participated in.  The show, sadly, turned out to be underwhelming, but I had the chance to connect with Julie.  She is an aromatherapist, who makes her own skincare line (awesome!) and has a treatment practice for facials, aromatherapy massages, the works!  She really liked my work and picked up a piece for her treatment room.  I hope it adds to the calming space she's created and her clients enjoy the view!  She'll be sending of photo of it when its hanging in her space, which I'll post here.


It's Time for Summer Art Camp!

Kid’s Summer Art Camp

at Susy’s Art Spot

Dive in, get creative and have fun!
In this mixed media art class children will explore their creativity through various art materials and techniques including mosaics, printmaking, painting, clay and collage.

·      July 15-19 or July 22-26
·      Ages 4 - 8
·      9:30 – 12
·      $170 includes materials and fruit snack

Susy Martins is a practicing Visual Artist and an Early Childhood Educator, teaching nursery school and art classes to children for the past 6 years.

The camp is located on Clinton St. in the Dupont and Christie area.

To register or for more information please contact Susy at
 Please visit